Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Casino Prep for Kids?

Now first let me say...I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade.  It just came to me, like an epiphany!

We're getting ready to begin school.  Everybody in my house.  My husband returns to work today (he's a high school teacher) and my children and I are beginning our first day of home school (though next week is more like our official start).  So my husband gathers the family and he wants to take us to Chuck E. Cheese!

I don't want to go, but I know how much my children love it.  Plus, my husband throws in there that we are only going to stay for about an hour, until our tokens are gone.  We are not going to eat there.

I digress just a little.  In the past, we used to love to eat at Chuck E. Cheese.  Pizza is one of our favorite foods.  But every time we went, my children would get sick.  No kidding!  We tried to eat first and then play...they still got sick.  We washed our hands extra "good"...they still got sick.  So needless to say...we just don't eat there anymore.

So my children are happy, "Yeah, Chuck E. Cheese!"  Our last little hurrah before "school" begins.  They get their tokens and even my little two year old is excited.

My about to be eleven year old son is off.  The two year old goes with my husband.  And I get to be "security" for my older daughter who will be eight in December.

She's playing games that will get her some tickets.  She's not quite as skilled as my son so she's trying to see what she wants to play.  I join in with "skee ball," only to realize the one we're on is broken.  We play another skee ball game on one that works better.

Then we get to this new game - "Slap It!"  I mean, we literally have to wait until we see the highest numbers and then hit the button when it comes out so we can get as many tickets as we can.  Well, she misses on the first try (only six tickets...you can get up to 35 tickets!)  And of course, she wants to play again.  This time she gets about six more.  My seven year old is the kind of child where two times is enough and then she's moving on, especially if her luck is not good.

That's when it came to me!  I look at all of the flashing lights, all of these games where you are trying to win as many tickets as possible.  All of these games of chance.  And just like "Lays," betcha' can't play just one.  Of course these games have some skills involved, but ultimately it is a breeding ground for casino fun and gambling.  The good thing is these are children and parents are funding them so when the tokens are gone they are gone.

Will we ever go back?  Sure.  It' s not that serious, but definitely something to ponder.  And I constantly communicate with my children, so any unfavorable behavior we will discuss and correct.  It just made me think...Wow!!!  Don't think marketers are unaware, because it is a business.  And Chuck E. Cheese stays  packed!

What do you think?

Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just Gave Birth to Another Baby!!!!

OMG!!! About a week ago...I was at the "threshold of death." Seriously...and I did not want to push...but then somebody yelled...ooh, I see the head Niambi and I mustered up some energy from within to "push" one more time...and the baby was born...I ripped a little...but the baby was born...and healthy and sooooo cute...

Naaah ya'll...I am still a mother of only three...but I tell you...finishing my latest project - a children's Black History DVD entitled "Our Story Volume One" - was just like giving birth.

And now, I am recovering and up late...constantly nursing "her" so she can thrive...

If you have every given birth physically, then you know what I am talking about...just when you feel like you can push no more...God Gives you the strength to keep on pushing...And I did...check out my newest baby at my website...You can even get a peek at how beautiful she is by clicking on "Red, Black, and Green," - under the video tab at www.NiambisHouse.com

Check her out...Yes...I am a proud mother of a beautiful baby called "Our Story Volume One!" You will soon be able to take "Our Story Volume One" home with you.

Thanks for your support!!!

Ooooweeeee! I forgot about modern technology....here's a sneak peek of her: