Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Casino Prep for Kids?

Now first let me say...I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade.  It just came to me, like an epiphany!

We're getting ready to begin school.  Everybody in my house.  My husband returns to work today (he's a high school teacher) and my children and I are beginning our first day of home school (though next week is more like our official start).  So my husband gathers the family and he wants to take us to Chuck E. Cheese!

I don't want to go, but I know how much my children love it.  Plus, my husband throws in there that we are only going to stay for about an hour, until our tokens are gone.  We are not going to eat there.

I digress just a little.  In the past, we used to love to eat at Chuck E. Cheese.  Pizza is one of our favorite foods.  But every time we went, my children would get sick.  No kidding!  We tried to eat first and then play...they still got sick.  We washed our hands extra "good"...they still got sick.  So needless to say...we just don't eat there anymore.

So my children are happy, "Yeah, Chuck E. Cheese!"  Our last little hurrah before "school" begins.  They get their tokens and even my little two year old is excited.

My about to be eleven year old son is off.  The two year old goes with my husband.  And I get to be "security" for my older daughter who will be eight in December.

She's playing games that will get her some tickets.  She's not quite as skilled as my son so she's trying to see what she wants to play.  I join in with "skee ball," only to realize the one we're on is broken.  We play another skee ball game on one that works better.

Then we get to this new game - "Slap It!"  I mean, we literally have to wait until we see the highest numbers and then hit the button when it comes out so we can get as many tickets as we can.  Well, she misses on the first try (only six tickets...you can get up to 35 tickets!)  And of course, she wants to play again.  This time she gets about six more.  My seven year old is the kind of child where two times is enough and then she's moving on, especially if her luck is not good.

That's when it came to me!  I look at all of the flashing lights, all of these games where you are trying to win as many tickets as possible.  All of these games of chance.  And just like "Lays," betcha' can't play just one.  Of course these games have some skills involved, but ultimately it is a breeding ground for casino fun and gambling.  The good thing is these are children and parents are funding them so when the tokens are gone they are gone.

Will we ever go back?  Sure.  It' s not that serious, but definitely something to ponder.  And I constantly communicate with my children, so any unfavorable behavior we will discuss and correct.  It just made me think...Wow!!!  Don't think marketers are unaware, because it is a business.  And Chuck E. Cheese stays  packed!

What do you think?

Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just Gave Birth to Another Baby!!!!

OMG!!! About a week ago...I was at the "threshold of death." Seriously...and I did not want to push...but then somebody yelled...ooh, I see the head Niambi and I mustered up some energy from within to "push" one more time...and the baby was born...I ripped a little...but the baby was born...and healthy and sooooo cute...

Naaah ya'll...I am still a mother of only three...but I tell you...finishing my latest project - a children's Black History DVD entitled "Our Story Volume One" - was just like giving birth.

And now, I am recovering and up late...constantly nursing "her" so she can thrive...

If you have every given birth physically, then you know what I am talking about...just when you feel like you can push no more...God Gives you the strength to keep on pushing...And I did...check out my newest baby at my website...You can even get a peek at how beautiful she is by clicking on "Red, Black, and Green," - under the video tab at www.NiambisHouse.com

Check her out...Yes...I am a proud mother of a beautiful baby called "Our Story Volume One!" You will soon be able to take "Our Story Volume One" home with you.

Thanks for your support!!!

Ooooweeeee! I forgot about modern technology....here's a sneak peek of her:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Put On Your Oxygen Mask First!

This has been discussed time and time again...on one of friend's blog in fact. And still, it resonates as if I have never been introduced to the concept. I first heard this statement when I was younger with no children and I, like so many others, was like, "what? don't save the children first?..." Well of course, I understand more now. In order to save your child, you have to be...well, alive...So many times, I proudly state how I am taking time for me...I am making myself a priority...but somewhere along the lines...the whole "self-denial for others" runs so deep (like the "Willie Lynch Syndrome") that it rears its ugly head time and time again.

Can I please learn this lesson?...wait, can I please learn how to truly love myself first. That is what it comes down to. What does "a mother's work is never done" really mean? All too often, it is like a badge of honor to always be busy doing something. I have no problem sacrificing for my children...I love them...but there is a fine line if I am not careful. Even as I type I am slightly conflicted. "A mother's work is never done," but who said we have to do it all in one day? There's like this unofficial medal we maintain wearing by being this busy, busy, busy, busy...did I say busy?...mother.

How...how do you put on your oxygen mask first?! If it "takes a village to raise a child," then it has to take a village to support that mother in raising that child. Give me some love and some good advice.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Preacher's Kid

I just sent an email to one of my Aunts. She's very active in the struggle...and if you have to ask what the struggle is...hmmmmm...that's another blog (smile).

But in a nutshell, she fights on behalf of the innocent, who have never truly been found guilty. She stands by those who have been treated unjustly. She works tirelessly in the community to help make this world a better place for all. Well, that's my Aunt Jamala who is the chair for the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS).

So why the title, "The Preacher's Kid?" Well, I certainly didn't grow up in a religious family - although before my father met my mother he was about to become a Catholic priest. The first time I visited a church - my mother kissed us goodbye and quickly ran back because she wanted to give me eleven cents. "What's this for?" I humbly asked. "Put it in the collection basket," she replied. My response - "You have to pay to go to church?" So there, didn't grow up in a religious family. So again, why the title, "The Preacher's Kid?"

Well, usually the preacher's kid is the one "messing up." They are usually the ones who go astray. Now no judgment. It is actually a fact. Maybe the preachers were too busy to reach their own household with the message. Maybe the preacher's kid saw the flaws of the preacher and lost faith. There could be many reasons why. I would love to know what you think...but back to me...

I grew up in a "Black Nationalist" household. Love your Black heritage. Power to the people. Be proud to be Black. We learned so much about Black pride. We loved watching "Black Music Videos." We loved watching "Star Search," and would simply root for the Black people to win. We were part of the youth organization, OBS Youth Group (later to become Youth Council for Positive Development), and we were proud to be Black. Did I mention we were proud to be Black? (smile)

But what happened in my household? You would think that we would become the chief helpers in the struggle for the freedom of Black people or for those treated unjustly. Out of the five of us who grew up in our household... one is a proud father and successful bartender...one is a member of the Nation of Islam...one is a founder of her own marketing company...one is a vegan health consultant......and one is in and out of jail - fighting a drug habit. What happened?

Four of us are doing something positive with our lives and greatly affecting others' lives with our works...but none of us are truly principally involved in our parent's organization, fighting for the freedom of our people - marching in rallies...writing letters on behalf of Reggie Clemons...speaking about all of these issues that affect our people. What happened? Are we the "preacher's kids?"

I couldn't help but wonder why "the preacher's kid" is the one who most times go astray from his father's work. Our parents were far from saints and we surely saw and witnessed firsthand their many flaws. So now, it's really unfair for me to speak for the other four...so let's just deal with me.

Why am I so uninvolved? Now, I'm getting better...but I know that a huge part of my struggle is and has been...viewing the flaws and sometimes hypocrisy from the very people who are running an organization. Now don't mistake my honesty for a contempt, because the very people with whom I struggle....I truly love and respect them...and know that we are family. But I also know that I must get over the "let down," especially since I know it's unfair to judge (I am a parent now.) But as unfair as it is...it is still hard for me to let go. No, I am far from perfect...but I am just being in this moment trying to understand myself and why I am unable to act to the fullest of my being in the struggle.

Are you feeling me? I really am studying this to better study myself. Is it just a part of life? Or can we truly raise a family full of children who will follow our works? How will they receive my flaws and acts of hypocrisy?

What do you think?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Good Girl Gone Bad?

We live our lives we follow rules...we do as we're told...to become good tools...for whom?
We learn religion...we learn politics...but I just gotta say...I'm kinda sick...of whom?
Everybody I read about, hear about, learn about, come to think about it...every great person was and is surrounded by controversy.
They went against the grain...they were anything but plain...so why again I am walking this tight line...is the question that remains.
It makes me think, it makes we wonder...what spell am I constantly under, that I for a second doubt my beauty...dictated by the clothes I wear...whether or not I cover my hair...everything is real baby...can you get the feel baby of what I'm saying.
Just going with the flow today...tomorrow may get another play...I'm a good girl 'til the end, but just had to ask the question my friend...how good is a good girl or how good can a good girl be if she will ever be GREAT?!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Proud to be Selfish!?

Being selfish is relative...and lately, I have been relatively selfish. It's like this fine line! But isn't that how life is...full of fine lines?

I think the lines are so fine because of what is relative. I was reading in this book, "The Blessing of a Skinned Knee," and I found a resounding comment. I'm going off the top of my head so bear with me...in one instance we (as individuals) are very special...unique...and on the other hand we are but a speck of dust.

This also brings me to one of my college courses where my instructor commented on how sometimes you have to take "give and take marbles" from children. I know it might be confusing, but the whole point is "checks and balances."

Sometimes we think too little of ourselves and sometimes we think too much of ourselves...and well the selfish I am proud to indulge in is thinking a little more of myself because I have had far too long for thinking too little of myself. Thing is...oft times nobody but you knows this, so you come off as cruel...so you have to trust they'll see in time.

But it's the fine lines that keep us humble...and humility is the key to so much!

So yes, I am proud to be selfish. What about you?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Should you stand alone?

Sometimes, in life, you will have to make an awesome and most times very hard decision to stand alone. I don't want to go into detail, because I have respect for whom I write. Suffice to say, that we all face a fork in the road and have to make a tough decision to disagree with the ones we love the most. But how? How do you stand alone?...with the ones you love most? What do you say or don't say? How do you respect them when your very disagreement is seen as a disrespect? How do you stand alone, without looking arrogant, or nonchalant?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do Not Give Somebody a License to "Kill" You!

I was at a play date in Ridge Park yesterday. A group of teenagers (2 white girls, 1 white boy, 2 black boys, and 1 black girl) were there off to the side. They were practicing a play. From time to time, the smaller children would run through to climb and slide. My friend sitting next to me had a better view of exactly what they were doing. Well, out of no where, police cars came (at least two or three) and the black male cop and his white female partner came over to the one black boy (who had no idea what was going on) stood him up, frisked him, and had him in a choke hold up against the bench. They found a "gun". It happened to be a play gun!

Other parents "cleared out of the park." My friend and I decided to stay and at least be "witnesses." My friend was bothered because she knew it was a toy. She had been watching them rehearse their play the whole time. She was appalled that he was so "roughed up." I was too. All I could think of is how "we" (black people, especially black young boys) get treated. I was enraged and saddened at the same time. (Talk about mixed feelings and controversy.)

The other black boy from the group was speaking. He was saying how, "it's just a toy..." The black cops (another had come at this point) told him, "somebody called 911 because they thought it was real." The black cop who just arrived asked the boy what his name was and asked him to come closer. The children are actually in shock. I'm sitting there like it is something out of a movie.

My friend goes over to explain to the cops that she knew it was a toy and they were just practicing a play. Her commenting alone, may have bought them some "grace," if you would. Finally, one of the children's mother came over and the cops seemed to "release them" to the parent and they all left.

I am still sitting there, admiring my friend for her bravery and questioning why didn't I go over and "help?" Well, for one, I did not know they had a "play gun." She had more information than I. Also, a part of me wanted to grab the little black boys and smack them.

Dang, for real? For real!!!! But why???? Because they need a reality check.

You don't play...no...black boys don't play with a toy "gun" in a park. Being a young black boy in America with a toy "gun" in a public park, in clear view of houses from across the street, is just not a smart decision.

Think!!! Let's say they came up when he had it out, pointing it at one of his classmates (heaven forbid one of the white classmates) and that's all the cops see. It could have gone badly and the headlines would have read, "Black boy shot down at the park with a "toy" gun in his hand!"

I am the first one to advocate for our young black boys! The cops, once they found out it was a fake, could have talked or "mentored" to them. But, they were probably too angry or emotional at that point...which is not good. Who needs an emotional cop? I know they get calls all the time and to find out it was a toy probably did not help. What's going to happen the next time something like that happens? They will be slower to respond. (Hell, in some neighborhoods they don't come until it's too late!)

Bottom Line - You do not play with "toy" guns...sorry...Black children, especially black boys, do not play with "toy" guns in a park or outside. It is not the same time as when I grew up or heck even before that, when you could play "cops and robbers" and no one would think twice. We live in different times today! And we need to realize! It's not all about what's right and wrong...it's about surviving long enough so we can change what's wrong and make it right. Black America...America...needs to wake up and accept the awesome responsibility of correcting "race relations."

Now I am just reminded that I have to teach my young black son some very different "offensive and defensive" lessons. One lesson - Do not give somebody license to "kill" you! Sorry, that's just how I feel. What do you think?

Friday, April 17, 2009

So What!

I just looked up the definition for blog. Interesting what you find when you actually look something up in the dictionary. It is short for the weblog. I never knew!

So it's actually a website where an individual or group of users produces an ongoing narrative. Wow...kinda like journaling.

So what is so what for? Well, I have been stressing about how to use the blog...blah, blah, blah, blah...and how do I get more people to read it...blah, blah, blah...and well....so what if nobody reads it...and for those who do...I hope it helps, entertains, or inspires along the way.

Today was great! Just got back from my morning workout! I love it. Never thought I could feel so good working out. It is everything people say it is. And I have more energy and I am always inspired.

Now today I am feeling extra energetic!...I am going to a private woman's retreat for the weekend..."All By Myself!...Can you go away by yourself? I can go away by myself." Sorry, having a Kindermusik moment there. Anyway...I am so excited and a little scared. This will be my first time away from my newest addition Khalilah. She is about 21 months and still nursing. She is sitting with me right now...all extra emotional and attitudinal, like she knows I'm leaving.

Excited because - a weekend alone for a mom...come on that's a no brainer. Scared because - well...I've never done it.

I am looking to relax, rejuvenate, and become re inspired.

Right now in this moment, I am enjoying being a mom to my three beautiful children. My older daughter is actually a little sad I am leaving...my son is like "that's good, Mommy!" My little man for real!

So, let me get off this computer and get packed...yes I have yet to pack...told you I was scared a little.

Monday, March 30, 2009


It is simply amazing...my life!!! I just had a whirlwind weekend and week before that! I was a gathering of Black storytellers and it was just beautiful. I am starting to come into my own as a storyteller. I mean, we all have a story to tell...and there is certainly history to be preserved and passed on! Love it when like minds convene. The energy is so powerful...you can feel God in the room!

I want to take a new direction with my blog...so stay tuned. I want to share so much more.

With peace and love,

Sunday, March 8, 2009


It has been so busy the last couple of months! Finally, I am getting a chance to breathe. And while breathing, I am taking an awesome leap of faith. You've been waiting and so have I...Niambi's House is coming...and has already started with performances around Chicago and recent birthday parties I have done.

Check back, as I figure out how to upload audio, for clips of the birthday songs!

Peace and love always,
Niambi Shalewa
"melody especially created for our home"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Niambi's House is Coming to Room2Play!!!

Join me as I perform at Room2Play for their Black History Month Program! It is sure to be a treat!

Room 2 Play (2255 S. Michigan Avenue) Parking on Michigan and 24th!

Sunday, February 22nd @ 10:00 AM

Admission: $12 per person (under 12 months - free)

Auntie Niambi

Monday, February 9, 2009

Boot Camp and More!

Oh wow!!! Where do I start? I guess boot camp is first because I just finished my workout at 5:oo AM this morning! Yes, I love it! It is so good and I am looking forward to becoming fit!!! Okay, I may be overusing the exclamation points...which brings me to some of the more. My children are students at a virtual charter school here in Chicago and one of the parent sessions addressed the overuse of commas. Virtual schooling is great! We are still at home and they go to the learning center once a week for some face to face "stuff". My son is taking Latin now...okay?! It's all good.

Now for the more...more...more!!! Wait...I didn't post last week because well, it was my anniversary...we are 12 years old. Cool, huh? We celebrated with a quiet dinner at home. Everybody was sick, so we will celebrate again in about a couple of weeks.

Now............I am performing for Ounce of Prevention's Educare Centers. I will be performing a show including original songs and movements for children ages birth (that's right) to five year olds. This is so up my alley! I am so excited. I will perform on Friday, February 20th and Sunday, February 22nd at Room2Play in Chicago. I'll post this again. I had a photo shoot yesterday, so I will be adding pics to my blog.

Talk soon,
Niambi Shalewa

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Do You Manage?

I just visited a the Signing Time website (an excellent resource for parents who want to teach their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to sign). I get their weekly emails and this particular one stood out to me! It was entitled, "My Life IS..." She was talking about how she described her life as "hard." She chose, in the end, to say my life is an unexpected adventure. She challenged us to come up with different words to describe our lives. Well, here's what I posted:

I get the emails from Signing Time and occasionally open them and read what is
"going on." This particular time, I found it to be totally "intriguing." It spoke to me and how I feel! I don't really have a problem with the word "hard." In fact, my cousin told me not use it - but the fact is - hard is what describes it. The dictionary has many definitions and for me my life is difficult to manage or control. Although, I love your angle. I think we are saying similar things or better yet, taking a better attitude. Life becomes easier - or more manageable when you go with the flow instead of against it. I expect difficulties and therefore I am able to better deal with them. Thank you for this insightful blog. I have decided to say:

My life IS!!! It is what it is. The verb to be is very powerful and I choose to be in the now and go with the flow...and enjoy the ride today (because I know waves are coming). My life IS!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What is Niambi's House?

"No matter where you are - east, west, north, or south!
You will feel the warmth of Niambi's House!
We will learn lots of things, exciting, new and bold.
And you will not forget the songs and stories that are told.
At Niambi's House...Niambi's House...joy of learning's what
it's all about!!! Niambi's House...Niambi's House...joy of learning's
what it's all about!!! N-I-A-M-B-I...Niambi's her name and
that's no lie! Niambi means melody and she brings melody to
you and me. Come and see what it's all about...when you visit
Niambi's House!"

Song by Niambi Shalewa "melody especially created for our home"!
copyright 2005

Yes...I have had this idea for some time now and now is the time to give birth! I am so excited to share this blog with you. Please stay tuned by visiting often! NiambisHouse.com is set to be launched this August 2009!